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Environmental health

On a day-to-day basis and throughout our lives, the environment is a major determinant of our health.  Whether it concerns chemical substances, airborne particles or electromagnetic waves, ANSES's expertise constantly provides the latest scientific knowledge on the risk factors for environmental exposure. The Agency assesses the risks of environmental pollution and various new technologies, and also evaluates the chemicals found in everyday products.


LEDs in toys: ANSES calls for a revision of the "eye safety" section of the European standard
Un hand spinner lumineux

LEDs in toys: ANSES calls for a revision of the "eye safety" section of the European standard

The safety of electric toys is verified according to a European standard that was updated in 2020. ANSES recently conducted an in-depth examination of the new protocol for verifying that toys containing LEDs are safe for eyes. It concluded that the revised version is unable to guarantee compliance with the limit values for protecting children's eyes. ANSES therefore recommends suspending application of the updated part of the standard relating to eye safety and revising it without delay.
A draft expert appraisal report on "Radiofrequencies and cancer" submitted for public consultation

A draft expert appraisal report on "Radiofrequencies and cancer" submitted for public consultation

Since ANSES's last general expert appraisal on the health effects of exposure to radiofrequencies in 2013, new data have been published in numerous scientific studies. The Agency therefore undertook a revision of its expert appraisal on the carcinogenic risk from exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. To do this, it applied an international reference method for assessing the weight of evidence to the new data. It is now submitting the corresponding draft expert appraisal report for public consultation, in order to collect any scientific comments that need to be taken into account when drafting the final version of the report. This public consultation will run from 30 September to 30 October 2024.
Breast milk: nutritional benefits and health issues
Lait maternel

Breast milk: nutritional benefits and health issues

ANSES has carried out two specific expert appraisals on breast milk, to follow on from its study on dietary exposure of non-breastfed children under three years of age to chemical contaminants. The results show the importance of reducing exposure to chemical contaminants that accumulate in the environment and the body throughout life, and can then be found in breast milk. At the same time, ANSES confirms the beneficial effects of consuming breast milk, which may reduce the risk of overweight or certain diseases in children.
Interview Eva Ougier Coordinator of the RNV3PE team, Health Alerts & Vigilance Department

Interview Eva Ougier Coordinator of the RNV3PE team, Health Alerts & Vigilance Department

Interview with Matthieu Schuler Managing Director General of the Science for Expertise Division

Interview with Matthieu Schuler Managing Director General of the Science for Expertise Division

Matthieu Schuler Managing Director General of the Science for Expertise Division about the phytopharmacovigilance : "With this phytopharmacovigilance scheme, we have taken a real step forward in capturing data on plant protection products as used and their residues in the environment."
ANSES and the French Biodiversity Agency sign a partnership agreement to support the health of living organisms and the environment

ANSES and the French Biodiversity Agency sign a partnership agreement to support the health of living organisms and the environment

The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) and the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB) have entered into a partnership to strengthen their cooperation and share their respective expertise in human, animal and ecosystem health, in the context of climate change and as part of a “One Health” approach.
If your child swallows a button battery, every minute counts!
Piles Bouton

If your child swallows a button battery, every minute counts!

Every year, more than a thousand children accidentally swallow button batteries. This can have serious, sometimes fatal, consequences, especially if it goes unnoticed. Why is this dangerous? And most importantly, what should you do if your child swallows a button battery?
ANSES and Institut Pasteur: a partnership at the service of One Health
Benoit Vallet, directeur général de l’Anses et Yasmine Belkaid, directrice générale de l’Institut Pasteur

ANSES and Institut Pasteur: a partnership at the service of One Health

Institut Pasteur and ANSES have just signed a partnership agreement to pool their skills in the interests of ‘One Health’. The two organisations carry out complementary activities: one studies human infectious diseases and the other the risks associated with animal diseases and food, including diseases transmitted from animals to humans and by vectors.
One H International Symposium 2024
Une vache et un homme

12-13-14 June 2024

One H International Symposium 2024

Rue Pierre Coubertin, Saint-Brieuc
Public :
Palais des Congrès et des Expositions de Saint-Brieuc
The International One H Symposium will bring together players in the animal, environmental and human health sectors for a comprehensive review of the transmission of infectious diseases from animals to humans using a “One Health” perspective.
Leave household products in their original containers!

Leave household products in their original containers!

Over the 2017-2021 period, more than 33,000 accidents caused by the decanting of household products were recorded by poison control centres in France. While many of these accidents were not serious, around 100 had severe consequences and five deaths were reported. ANSES is reiterating the precautions you should take to protect yourself and your loved ones on a daily basis.
What are the most common causes of serious cases of accidental poisoning in children?
Intoxications pédiatriques

What are the most common causes of serious cases of accidental poisoning in children?

Produits de nettoyage, médicaments, appareils de chauffage, piles-boutons font partie de notre quotidien mais peuvent être sources d’accidents pour nos enfants. Les intoxications dont ils sont victimes sont fréquentes et parfois graves, surtout pour les plus jeunes. C’est ce que mentionne le bilan de l’Anses qui a analysé, en collaboration avec Santé publique France, différentes données issues des Centres antipoison (CAP), des passages aux urgences, des hospitalisations et des décès de 2014 à 2020. Ces accidents étant évitables, il est indispensable de sensibiliser l’entourage des enfants à ces risques et aux bonnes pratiques pour les prévenir.
Endocrine disruptors: the new research challenges
Perturbateurs endocriniens 13/06/2024

13 june 2024

Endocrine disruptors: the new research challenges

Public :
Maison de la RATP - Espace du centenaire - 58 Quai de la Rappée - 75012 Paris
The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) and the French Research Agency (ANR) are pleased to invite you to their second scientific conference on endocrine disruptors (EDs).


Risks of dietary exposure to chlordecone in the French Caribbean

Risks of dietary exposure to chlordecone in the French Caribbean

Chlordecone is a pesticide that can pose a risk to human health. It was used in banana plantations in the French Caribbean until 1993. Being very persistent, it has permanently contaminated the soil and water, and even today has an impact on crops and livestock production. Since the early 2000s, ANSES has been working to improve knowledge on exposure of the French Caribbean population to this contaminant and the associated health risks. In particular, it has made recommendations on the consumption of locally produced food.
How can non-potable water be used? What are the health risks?
Eau Développement durable

How can non-potable water be used? What are the health risks?

With water resources becoming increasingly scarce, there is growing interest in the different ways in which non-potable water such as wastewater and rainwater can be used. These include irrigating crops, watering gardens and green spaces, cleaning floors and cars, or flushing toilets. However, this water may contain pathogenic micro-organisms and potentially toxic organic or inorganic chemicals. Here is an update on the authorised uses and ANSES's recommendations.
Endocrine disruptors, a scientific challenge

Endocrine disruptors, a scientific challenge

Endocrine disruptors are substances that can interfere with our hormonal system and cause adverse effects. Given the multiple sources of exposure, scientists need to understand the role played by these substances in the development of certain diseases.
Understanding more about exposure to and the hazards of PFASs

Understanding more about exposure to and the hazards of PFASs

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, collectively known as PFASs, are chemicals that share one main characteristic: they are very persistent in the environment. This persistence means they can be found in all environmental compartments. Given the very large number of substances involved, the major challenge is to prioritise actions to prevent or limit health and environmental risks. PFASs have been a topic of interest for ANSES for a long time. The Agency carries out several activities in this area: characterising the PFASs most commonly found, determining the levels of contamination to which people are exposed, and identifying the most toxic substances. Below is an overview of this work.
Risk of emergence of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever in France
tique hyalomma

Risk of emergence of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever in France

Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever is a potentially fatal disease in humans, transmitted by certain ticks. Although no indigenous human cases have yet been reported in France, there is a real risk of this disease emerging in the country.
PFASs: very persistent chemicals
zoom sur PFAS

PFASs: very persistent chemicals

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, better known as PFASs, are chemicals whose specific properties mean that they are used in many everyday products. Extremely persistent, PFASs are found in all environmental compartments and people can therefore be exposed via air, food and drinking water, or through the use of various everyday products and objects. Below we review the applicable regulations and the health and environmental challenges associated with this class of substances.
Toxicity reference values (TRVs)

Toxicity reference values (TRVs)

As part of its missions and under the French National Environmental & Health Action Plan (2004-2008), the Agency began a national programme on TRVs in 2004 with the aim of building solid French expertise that could be shared by the various competent authorities in this area.
Reference values

Reference values

The chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis and those used in our occupational activities can potentially be harmful to health. ANSES develops various reference values that are of use firstly, for assessing health risks and secondly, to enable the public authorities to establish regulatory concentrations of chemicals that should not be exceeded in order to protect our health.
Beware of stinging hairs from processionary caterpillars!
Chenilles processionnaires

Beware of stinging hairs from processionary caterpillars!

In forests or gardens, on the ground or on tree branches, certain caterpillars may be seen following each other in single file. These "processionary" caterpillars are insects with stinging hairs. The inflammatory reactions they can cause in humans and animals are sometimes serious.
Ragweed, an invasive plant that is problematic for both health and agriculture

Ragweed, an invasive plant that is problematic for both health and agriculture

Ragweed is native to North America but has spread to Europe in particular over the last few decades. Its pollen causes allergies, with between 1 and 3.5 million people believed to be affected in France. What is ragweed? Where is it found in France? What are its effects on agriculture? Are there ways of keeping it from spreading? Here is our update on the situation.
What is cadmium, and how can we reduce our exposure to it?

What is cadmium, and how can we reduce our exposure to it?

Cadmium is a toxic metal that is ubiquitous in the environment and can contaminate soil, water, and air. We are exposed to it via food and drinking water. For several years now, ANSES has been issuing recommendations to limit our exposure to this substance.
Bed bugs in 13 questions
Punaise de lit

Bed bugs in 13 questions

Bed bug infestations have increased in recent years, due to the rise in travel and the growing resistance of these bugs to insecticides. Does the presence of bed bugs reflect a lack of hygiene? Where can you pick them up? How can you get rid of them? We answer all your questions in this article.


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Assessment of the risks related to physical agents and new technologies
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Numéro de saisine
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Health reference values
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Numéro de saisine
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Numéro de saisine
Document PDF
Health reference values
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Numéro de saisine
Document PDF
Assessment of the risks related to physical agents and new technologies
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Numéro de saisine